Friday, February 17, 2017

Learning About Thailand!

We just finished a brief look at Thailand! As I mentioned before, the main books we are covering are recommended by the Five in a Row [FIAR] curriculum and Give Your Child the World by Jamie C Martin.

Our FIAR book was not about Thailand, but we squeezed in a Thai week and read:

  • Hush! A Thai Lullaby by Mingfong Ho
  • Peek! A Thai Hide and Seek by Mingfong Ho
  • Nid's Exciting Day by Mary Gurtler

    Peek! A Thai Hide and Seek and Hush! A Thai Lullaby are less informational, but fun books for kids. They show what the local scenery looks like and local animals! After reading them, Juanito concluded that The Jungle Book must take place in Thailand! Nid's Exciting Day is published by OMF Books and shares about missionaries in Thailand. It shared a bit more about the Thai culture and missions!

    Of course, we had to locate Thailand on the map and pray for Sa, our Compassion correspondent from Thailand.

    My husband and I love Thai food, so we tried two dishes. Thai Peanut Chicken (see photo), an adaptation of Thai food for the crockpot, and our favorite (which is a regular that we eat at least once a month), Yam Woon Sen.

    Juanito narrated Hush! A Thai Lullaby and made sure to draw the Thai-sytle stilt house (like we see in the books and like in Sa's artwork)!

    Un mami dice, "who's weeping in the wind?" Un mosquito. Después vi un gato. Después vi un mono. La mami habla porque su bebé necesita a dormir. Pero el bebé no estaba durmiendo. Los animales duerman en la granja. El ratóncito es gordo porque comió some arroz. Después los animales duermen, la mami duerme. El bebé no duerme.

    And Rosie narrated Peek! A Thai Hide and Seek.
    Es un bebé. El daddy está finding her girl. Encontró libélula, elefante, doggy, and she finds her papi.

    We've had a great time learning about Thailand! Next up, Peru! It doesn't go along with our FIAR book, but I have some fun books we'll read.

    To view my complete plan for the year, click here. And here are the previous countries in the series:
  • China
  • Spain
  • Tanzania
  • France
  • Colombia
  • Ghana
  • Italy

    About Hannah Hinojosa...Hannah is a long time Compassion sponsor and writes about her sponsorship journey at Because of Shamim. In addition to being a wife and mother, she is a part-time math professor and loves to read.
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